Women’s Health

The US Supreme Court has now overturned Roe v. Wade and abortion is illegal in the state of Wisconsin. I hear your anguish.  I feel your rage. Women have been clawing through the halls of time for acknowledgement of their basic humanity. As a mother to a daughter and as a daughter with a mother and grandmother who fought for my rights, I am devastated.  But, I am also resolved to fight to legalize abortion in Wisconsin.  Wisconsin has a law from 1849 that makes abortion illegal. In Assembly District 43, that affects over 18,000 people. Marquette University Law School poll reported that the majority of Wisconsinites think abortion should be legal. Yet,Wisconsin’s GOP-dominated legislature gaveled in and gaveled out of Governor Evers Special Session to discuss the future of abortion rights for Wisconsinites. I am a pro-choice candidate. We must also elect other pro-choice candidates up and down the ballot who are wiling to decriminalize abortion in Wisconsin, listen to Wisconsinites, and fight every day for you and your children and your loved ones to have their fundamental right to privacy and bodily autonomy.